BCG E-Commerce Podcast: Supply chain turning into ‘supply pain’

Over the last decade, eCommerce has grown in popularity with businesses and consumers alike. BCG is at the center of it all, helping clients build strategies and implement technology to achieve transformational results. The below is a recent podcast I did with my fellow BCG Platinion colleague Jamie Hammond. Jamie Hammond: One of the biggest pain… Continue reading BCG E-Commerce Podcast: Supply chain turning into ‘supply pain’

Supercharging Supply Chains with Platforms

Uber-like on-demand fulfillment platforms for supply chain and and logistics services are rapidly emerging. For companies feeling the pressure to meet rising customer expectations while keeping costs down, uberized supply chains could bring much-needed relief. Uberization, the business paradigm that disrupted the taxicab industry, is about to transform supply chains everywhere as companies increasingly rely… Continue reading Supercharging Supply Chains with Platforms

Capital and Wealth … Was Marx right?

The  prolonged US recession and recent increase in  income inequality has energized viewpoints challenging capitalism as a sustainable economic model. Some media and pundits have rallied around the Marx ideology that we are beginning to see capitalism starting to unravel itself. In his "Das Kapital", Marx argues that the capitalist's pursuit of profit accumulation over… Continue reading Capital and Wealth … Was Marx right?

CNN and the house of brands strategy …

CNN and the house of brands strategy …

Take a look at some of the key shows on CNN and one cannot but notice the network's recent adoption of an explicit "House of Brands" strategy in an effort to better wage the battle for "viewer eyeballs". The collage below shows some of CNN's major shows and their distinct "brands" (e.g. AC360, Fareed Zakaria… Continue reading CNN and the house of brands strategy …

Obama, Hillary and a case of Innovator’s Dilemma

Like so many favored incumbents, Hillary Clinton could not escape the Innovator's Dilemma in a competitive bid for the market place (the democratic primary in this case) Coined by Harvard business professor Clayton Christensen, the Innovator's Dilemma states that often it is the very strength and core offering of the established incumbent that ultimately lead… Continue reading Obama, Hillary and a case of Innovator’s Dilemma

Drivers of Pharma R&D Gap and New Models for Success

In the past decade(s) the pharma industry has experienced an innovation gap crisis characterized by relatively flat growth rate in new drug approval rates and a steady growth of 2.5X in cost. Big pharma has tried to tackle the innovation gap with a series of strategic solutions: throwing money at internal R&D, horizontal consolidation, and… Continue reading Drivers of Pharma R&D Gap and New Models for Success